IGCP-700’s workshop in Cambodia in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Earth Resources and Geo-Environment Technology (EraGET2024)
On December 12th – 15th, 2024, there were IGCP700’s activities in Cambodia. It includes a practical workshop titled “Paleozoic stratigraphic correlation and carbonate platform development in SE Asia ” on December 12th – 13th, 2024, and a post-conference fieldtrip in the candidate of Geopark, Siem Reab, during December 13th – 15th, 2024.
The workshop was conducted by Dr. Mongkol Udchachon, along with PRC members includes Dr Hathaithip Thassanapak, Mr.Seksan Chedrasmee and Mr.Kantanat Trakunweerayut from Mahasarakham University and Dr. Pradit Nulay from the Office of Mineral resecouces Region 2 under the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This workshop was part of the EraGET2024.
The workshop objectives were to enhance skills and knowledge of basic carbonate rock classification for students and young scientist, and also tools for natural resources, Industrial and geotourism management.
The lectures included the following topics:
1) Basic carbonate sedimentology, classification, and depositional environments by Dr Mongkol Udchachon
2) Introduction to vertebrate fossils of SE Asia by Dr Bouziane Khalloufi
3) Common Paleozoic fossils in limestones by Kantanat Trakunweerayut and Dr Hathaithip Thassanapak
4) Fossil Hypercalcified Sponges: Overview of archaeocyaths, stromatoporoids, chaetrtids, sphinctozoans, inozoans and others by Prof Dr Stephen Kershaw
5) Mesozoic non-marine stratigraphic correlation between Thailand and Cambodia by Dr Pradit Nulay
For the exercise and practical session, all staff instruct the students how to identify and describe the limestone with applications to rock slab samples and thin-sections.
The fieldtrip in Siem Reab, the IGCP-700 by Prof Mongkol presented to the participants the regional geology of the region with focus on a comparison of the geology and paleontology of the Loei fold belt in Thailand and those in northern part of Cambodia in the candidate geopark and nearby areas.